Aug 11, 2004 09:03
Man I just had the scariest dream! ok I had been kidnapped and I was at like a hotel and the guy was telling me "you better not runaway or i'll sock tha mess outa you" and I was so scared so then he went out of the room with another guy and handcuffed me to a pole in the room (it was attached to the ceiling and floor and I coulndt get my cuff off) and then the guy came back in and told me something I don't know what and then he unlocked me and I was all can I have a piece of gum? and he was all no! and I was all c'mon my breathe smells so bad and he was all yea u do need some and then we were standing rigth by the door to leave and he gave me a piece and then I said if I could go to the bathroom and he said....yea I guess but you come right back (the bathroom was across the hall like across from the room I was in and I could escape) so I left and went to the bathroom and closed the door to the room I was in all the way so the man couldn't see when I was coming back. So I went to the bathroom and was walkin bac across the hall to where I was supposed to go and I had my door on the knob and then I was like I could so escape so I took off down the hall and I saw all these people walkin around n stuff because it was a hotel and I started yelling help! help! help! as I ran down the hall way and every one just ran in a room real quick and didn't even help me, I looked back and the guy was like get back here or your gona regret it and I just kept running and he didn't follow me so then I was running down all the stairs and I was gona knock on the door but I was afraid maybe he had a hitman or something right there ya know so I was happy he wasnt following me but then I thought about it and was like he prolly already has someone on the streets looking for me right around here so then I got outside and ran across the parking lot to a house and there was a fence around it that had bushes and trees so everytime a car passed I hid in one and then I got to the sidewalk where it was right next to the street and I turned left and starting walking and looking around to see what was going on and up ahead I saw a man looking in a persons van probably to see if I was in there and then so I ran to a house where I saw a garage open which was right next door to where he was, then I heard the man that was looking in the car and he was all "ok momma I don't think she's in a car yet, but thanks for helpin out." and then he was like "we should search your garage next" and I found out that I was in her garage cause I heard them coming and so I hid by the garage door to go out back and there was a guitar hiding me then I thought about it and knew he would look there so I slipped out the door and almost couldnt fit cause the door wouldn't open all the way (thank God i'm skinny lol) so I got out back and slowly shut the door so they wouldn't hear me then I hopped over the fence and fell to the other side then I blacked out and when I woke up I was on a bus with this black girl and she was all finaly your awake. and I was all where am I? and she was all on a bus I found you in my backyard n u were knocked out n I was all oh thats because I have this thing in my foot that when I hop fences I blackout and she was all oh weird (thats not true lol just part of the dream) so then we got off the bus and were in a car and it was nightime again (the scariest part of the day) and I was in a car with the black girl and my best friend Lani... I think we picked up lani to find out where I live, anyways so we were about to turn down the street to go to my neighborhood and she missed the turn so I was like great and then I just knew we'd run into that guy, and so she cut thro the parking lot of the stores that are by my house and then was on the right street and we saw a car coming towards us and I was like I bet that's him (I saw the same truck as I had in the garrage) and they were like hide yourself like put your hair in your face and I was all ok so then he drove by and was going all slow but turns out he wasn't even looking at us he was trying to get something off the floor of his car and thats why he was slowed so then we started speeding after we noticed he wasn't looking which caught his attention and then we turned down my street and me and Lani got out of the car as fast as we could and ran inside so then the black girl drove off and we locked all my doors n stuff and saw the car drive by looking for where we went (good thing we didnt touch the lights at all cause he prolly already went down the street n new which lights were on n stuff. anyway so then everyone was asleep and me and Lani went to my bedroom n heard some one banging on the sliding glass door but when we look there was nothing there so we went to sleep but yea that's all. it was wayy scary when I had it, it feels like it's gona come true or somethin lol but yea I just had to write it out cause I was bored =|