Round Two - Posting/Rating Reminder

Aug 19, 2007 20:08

Yay, today (okay, technically tomorrow, since I’m posting this when it’s still Sunday my time to make sure it’s up before someone across the ocean wants to post their fic *g*) is the day we’ve all been waiting for, the first day for fic postage this round! A couple of reminders so things run smoothly for all of us. *g*


1. Your subject line should read: Theme (Team Angst) or Theme (Team Schmoop), as the case may be.

2. Use a header with at least the following information:

Pairing/Characters: (use full names rather than initials)
Rating/Category: (eg, NC17/Gen or R/Slash)
Spoilers: (if applicable)
Notes/Warnings: (if applicable)

3. You must include a link to the rating poll post for your theme in your fic post. I will post the polls the day before the fic are due to be posted, so check the comm for it.

4. If you post the fic here at numb3rswriteoff please place the fic itself behind a cut. If you post the fic in your own journal you must link to it here and include the following blurb in your journal:

This fic was written for the Angst vs Schmoop Challenge at . After you’ve read the fic, please rate it by voting in the poll located here. (Your vote will be anonymous.) Rate the fic on a scale of 1 - 10 using the following criteria: how well the fic fit the prompt, how angsty [or schmoopy] the fic was, and how well you enjoyed the fic. When you’re done, please check out the other challenge fic at . Thank you!

Readers and Raters:

1. Your vote will be anonymous.

2. Do not vote for one fic over the other. You are rating each fic on its own merits.

3. Rate each fic on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the best) on the following criteria:

-how well the writer used the theme
-how angsty (or schmoopy) the fic was
-how much you liked it

4. Please only vote once in each poll. Because there were more than 15 options, I had to divide each poll into two questions, but please only vote once. If you vote more than once, your vote may be disqualified.

5. Rating for all stories will remain open for two days following the posting of the last story, including pinch-hit fic.

Thank you, and have fun! *g*

round 002

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