Ice cream (Team Schmoop) - Don/Charlie PG-13

Nov 25, 2008 07:40

Title: Ice Cream of Life
Author: ALF
Pairing/Characters: Don/Charlie
Rating/Category: PG-13
Spoilers: Charlie Don't Surf
Summary: Don and Charlie spend some time together
Word Count: 512
Notes/Warnings: No offence intended to Colby fans in the writing of this fic! Link to the poll (sorry I forgot before!)

“So, are we having ice cream?” Charlie asked as he settled into Don’s side on the couch.

Don automatically put his arm around Charlie’s shoulders, as he put the remote on the coffee table. “I don’t know, Chuck, it’s your house, are we having ice cream?”

That earned Don a poke in the ribs, but he grabbed Charlie’s hand, entwining their fingers before Charlie got any ideas about anything else. Charlie gave a sigh of happiness and snuggled impossibly closer to Don.

“Do you remember when we used to go to the beach as kids and have ice cream?” Charlie asked.

Don smiled at the memories. He’d been feeling nostalgic lately, with Nate’s death, it seemed like Charlie was too. “I remember,” he said. “I remember how much mess you always made.”

Charlie laughed, knowing it was true. He’d always wound up with ice cream smeared everywhere and getting stuck in the bath as soon as they’d gotten home.

“Colby looked really good out there today,” Charlie said.

“Yeah,” Don agreed, watching the game, enjoying the chance to be with Charlie at the house, while their dad spent time with Keith.

“Do you ever, you know, think…” Charlie trailed off into silence, making Don turn to look at him and frown.

“Do I ever think what, Buddy?” Don asked patiently, when Charlie showed no sign of finishing his thought.

“No, never mind, it was a stupid idea,” Charlie said. “Let’s just watch the game.”

“Charlie.” Don had no doubt that he needed to find out what was going on in the genius brain next to him. Charlie could be full of arrogant confidence one minute and totally insecure the next. Whatever this was, it was clearly insecurity talking, which meant Don needed to push him about it.

Charlie still stayed quiet, but Don was used to waiting, could be more patient than anyone, when he needed to be.

“Do you ever think about being with Colby?” Charlie finally asked. “Being with someone you could be open about?”

Don shook his head. For a genius, Charlie sure could be dumb sometimes. He shifted so that he was looking directly at Charlie, who had his head down. Don tipped his chin up gently, so that he could look Charlie in the eye, convince him of the truth of what he said next.

“Never,” he told Charlie firmly. “I have filet mignon at home, so why go out of sirloin?”

“Don!” Charlie snorted a little at that, but he looked relieved. “I can’t believe you just compared me to steak.”

“But only the best steak,” Don pointed out, grinning, eyes crinkling as he shook his head at his brother. Hopefully he had put paid to Charlie’s foolish notion.

He turned around in his seat to face the television again.

“Oh!” Charlie suddenly exclaimed, scrambling to his feet. “The ice cream, it’ll be all melted.” He dashed off to the kitchen, Don grinning bemusedly in his wake. Sometimes, he really didn’t get Charlie at all. But that was okay, he still loved him, quirks and all.

round 012, fic: schmoop

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