Mar 01, 2010 02:41
The fic I'm looking for is mostly gen, Colby/Lisbon fic. They're one their first date (at the Olive Garden, I think) and she keeps getting calls about a case. Jayne is on vacation and the CBI is having a hard time without him; they're trying to find a taxi driver that's robbing people when they're gone on trips (he knows they're gone because he takes them to airport). After talking about it with Lisbon, Colby calls Charlie to have him explain that odds of it being one taxi company over another based on an eyewitness's identifying the color of the taxi at night, something about prior odds. I remember they shut off their phones for dessert (tiramasu, I think). Does this sound familiar to anyone?
title: blind date,
crossover: the mentalist,
author: jelsemium,