Don/Charlie, Soldier Charlie, Charlie/Terry Recs

Apr 20, 2009 01:47

Hi everyone, I'm a new member to the Numb3rs fandom. I've just finished watching Numb3rs Season 1.

I'm looking for any Don/Charlie that you might rec (short, long, AR, AU, self-rec, etc), and I am SO glad to see I'm not the only one inclined towards this pairing >.>

I'm also curious if there are any Terry/Charlie fictions out there. In end of the season 1 finale, I thought there might have been some possible development there (but then I watched ep 1 of Season 2 and was slammed down).

I also read Reciprocity and was awed. I would really appreciate any Soldier!Charlie or FederalAgent!Charlie or possible any fictions out there that center around Charlie doing NSA work.

Thanks very much in advance!

gen, slash, charlie/terry, charlie, open, nsa, fbi, het, author: various, don/charlie, soldier

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