Rules for the Toughest Numb3rs Challenge Ever!
This is a NUMB3RS Challenge. The premise of Numb3rs is "A genius mathematician helps his FBI Agent Brother solve crimes." Therefore, the story MUST contain a criminal investigation and math MUST play an integral part in the story. (Note: If the math isn't used to help solve the crime, it must play a significant role in the "B" story.)
I don't expect you to be an expert in math. However, I expect you to be able to adapt something that Charlie has used in the series, i.e. hot zones to locate the base of a serial rapist, computer encryption to break into the bad guys' computer, Amita's video enhancement algorithms to get a look at the license of a fleeing vehicle, etc.
If you can come up with a new spin, all the better. However, "Well, Charlie's math says that…" is not acceptable. You must specify what math is being used and how.
I don't expect you to be an expert in crime solving, either. However, the story must have the characters working on a case. No having the case get solved by accident or by someone else while the characters sit around and talk (or get busy in bed).
This is a crossover challenge. Therefore, you must combine the Numb3rs characters with characters from another television series/movie/book/comic book/radio show.
This will actually make it easier to introduce the math into the story. The Numb3rs regulars should be familiar with Charlie's main processes now, such as using the hot zones to locate a serial killer's base of operations. However, the characters from the other fandom won't be. So you can have Charlie explaining how geographic profiling will help Mac Taylor and his New York CSIs to find the headquarters of their taxicab killer.
This is the "Passion" part. This is a Het and/or Slash Challenge, which means: ABSOLUTELY NO GEN STORIES.
There MUST be romance of some kind - true love, a summer fling, a one-night stand - your call.
In addition, for this challenge, there must be at least ONE romance between characters from the different fandoms. Calleigh Duquesne (CSI: Miami) / Don Eppes, Don Flack (CSI: NY)/ Colby Granger, Samantha Spade (WoT)/ Every male in the LA FBI Office. (Possibly Charlie, Larry and the Women of Numb3rs as well.)
Other Details:
Rating: Whatever you feel comfortable with.
Length: I almost set a limit, but then I thought: If you can write a drabble that follows the rules, more power to you.
In fact, I'll make it a little easier to write a short story by modifying the rules a bit just for the shorties. If you write a drabble (100 to 300 words) or a Shortie (301 to 1000 words), then I'll accept a simplified math component. (For example: "We have four dump sites, so we were able to use Charlie's hot zones to locate the suspect's headquarters.")