Just another day

Nov 05, 2006 21:33

Charlie rushed into his brother's FBI office, staggering slightly under the weight of the stack of files he was carrying. The room had become so familiar to him, almost as much as the campus at CalSci that he naviagted it without really seeing it, his mind still working on the pattern he hadn't quite figured out yet.

"Oh hey Don." He said, as the FBI agent moved out of the way with practiced ease, just as Charlie was about to run into him. "Is it ok if I use this?" He asked, indicated to the large board at the front of the room. Without waiting for an answer, he started tacking up the map with one hand, whilst still balancing the folders with the other.

"Here, let me help you with that." Colby appeared next to him and took the load out of his arms.

"Uhh...thanks." He replied, flashing the man a grateful smile. One done with his map, he retook the top pile of papers from Colby and started lying them across the nearest desk, running out of space pretty quickly. "David, could you give me a hand with this desk?" He asked, trying to move the next table over. David smirked knowingly at Colby and did as he asked.

"Ok, I need some string. Terry?" He asked, his speech an unbroken flow, before he paused, it finally clicking that something was out of place. "Oh Terry...umm hey. You're back."

fbi work

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