This time posted to the comm, instead of my personal LJ. D'oh!
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Oh so many! Megan and Colby in the break room discussing Charlie's "inequality bounding thing" *g*
Don throwing Charlie to the ground and Charlie grabbing his lap top. The whole take-down of Shane. Don checking Charlie for injuries ♥
Woobie!Charlie and Don not really knowing how to help him...
The story of Charlie and the 3rd grade bully, followed by Charlie staying in the garage all night...
Charlie going back to the FBI with Amita and them "stringing it out" a la CSI in the FBI bull pen...
Megan telling David that the men's room is his department *g*
The whole take-down of the bad guy and rescue of Primatek's family. Hot tac gear Don! ♥
Don and Charlie breaking spaghetti and Alan leaving them there, instead taking Megan to dinner...
Finding out about Colby's past was interesting, but I thought he was supposed to be CID and not on the front line? :is confused: