2.13 Double Down

Aug 18, 2007 11:07

Love the exchange between David and Don after they find the notebooks. David: Lucky for us, we know a guy. Don: We do know a guy.

Loved how excited Charlie was about his experiment and how Don seemed to enjoy it, as well. Loved Don’s comments about them getting paid to do this, and whether Charlie needed a permit, and who was gonna clean it up. Charlie: I am gonna clean it. Probably. Later. Bet he forgets. *g*

When Colby comments about Einstein being a chick magnet, my first thought was that he’d been hanging around Charlie. *g*

Loved Larry being adamant that card counting is not cheating. *g*

Loved Charlie calling Larry ‘Lawrence’.

Larry’s reaction to being back in a casino was interesting. I found it funny, because of his language (I’m warning you both, we’re standing at the precipice. This is the event horizon of a black hole), but it probably wasn’t as over the top as it seemed for those who have been hooked by the gambling bug.

Loved Colby’s Meanwhile, back at the parking lot?

The ending confused me a great deal, and it annoys me that the writers toss out these throwaway lines without any thought for continuity. First there was Alan claiming that all the math in the world is useless against a good read and steady nerves. when he previously said he wouldn’t play poker with Charlie again, after the first time when he almost won the pink slip to Alan’s car. Then there’s Larry, who we later find out is a poker champion and plays in tournaments, saying that poker is for professional card players and under-employed celebrities. Grrr.

I’m pretty certain that “double down” is a poker term, but I don’t know what it means exactly. Can anyone out there help me?

2.13 double down

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