Stages of Grief; Gen, PG, Complete

Jan 15, 2010 18:50

Title: Stages of Grief
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and storylines are the property of their writers and producers.  No money is being made from this work of amateur fiction and no copyright infringement is intended.
Word Lenth: 5,119
A/N:  Link to my journal. I wrote this story as a one-shot, but because of length and Livejournal's word limits, I had to post it in two parts. (Since when is 5k too long for LJ, you are wondering? Very good question. I will let you know when I find out.)

Summary:  Alan dies.  Charlie copes, in his own way.


There was a long high-strung pause and then Don murmured in a voice like broken glass, “Charlie…”

Stages of Grief

character:charlie, character:alan, character:don, genre:gen, category:angst

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