Title: Elemental Four
Author: Valerie Vancollie
Characters: Don, Colby, David, Megan, Charlie
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Judgment Call, Mind Games, In Plain Sight, Contenders, One Hour
Excerpt: Don pulled at the chains in desperation as he felt the water lapping at his ankles before it withdrew once more. The tide was rapidly coming in and if he didn't get free soon, he would drown.
Note: This fic was written for the 'Free For All' round at
numb3rswriteoff. It was the Team Angst entry for the word prompt beach.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Numb3rs characters, items or situations. I only lay claim to the original aspects of the fic.
Elemental Four (Part 1) Elemental Four (Part 2)