this pair of drabbles might become the prologue of my Numb3rs/Dresden Files (or Numb3rs/Blood Ties) crossover.
Title: Collapse.
Crossover with…well, that would give away the ending.
Pairing/Characters: Amita, Charlie.
Prompt: #008: Deviation. over at Numb3rs100
Rating: PG-17
Summary: Amita sees what happens when the Grand Unifying Theory is achieved.
Word Count: 225.
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimer: None of these are mine. If you think they are, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona I’d like you to take off my hands. ;)
In the morning, Amita came by Charlie’s office since he hadn’t come home last night…he’d told her he would be out late working on the finishing touches of the answer to the problem of how to achieve the Grand Unifying Theory. Larry had mentioned that he’d heard a prominent East Coast university had loaned Charlie some materials to point the way - but that was naught but a rumor, Larry freely admitted.
The room stank of fish and sweat. Papers lay scattered everywhere, books opened and abandoned all about.
At first she thought there had been an abduction or a kidnapping…but then she saw Charlie, squat and unkempt whuffling in the corner, hiding from the sunlight streaming in through the windows.
And Amita then saw part of what Charlie had come up with on the boards - the unifying answer was obscured, but she could make out what he’d scrawled below…she clapped one hand to her mouth -my - my God! - and ran out of the room before she could read further.
Her mind was racing, sore already, even after so little as she had looked upon. Charlie… But it was too late for him, regretfully.
Alan and Don needed to know. The college would need to shut down this building, fumigate and more. Amita kept running.
She had let herself see no further than Iä! Iä!
The End
crossover with Lovecraft.
Title: Explanation.
Sequel to: Collapse.
Crossover with…well, that would give away the ending.
Pairing/Characters: Amita, Charlie.
Prompt: #008: Deviation.
Rating: PG-17
Summary: What happened.
Word Count: 225
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimer: None of these are mine. If you think they are, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona I’d like you to take off my hands. ;)
The team was gathered together, with the exception of Charlie, who was still in the psych ward, just to be certain.
“Going through his emails,” Colby said about Charlie, “and it seems he was getting the same sort of stuff from both MIT and Miskatonic University.”
“Shit,” Don said.
Amita and Larry frowned. “I’m afraid I’ve never heard of the latter,” Larry said.
“There’s a reason for that,” Don said. “Enough weird stuff’s happened there over the past century that the FBI’s made sure nobody’s heard of it.”
“I’ve spoken with some old friends,” David says, “and appearantly Miskatonic University burned down last week - hot enough that not even a cinderblock was left.”
“So,” Amita asked, holding a glimmer of hope in her heart, “isn’t there anyone who could undo what’s happened to Charlie?”
Colby shook his head.
“ ‘Fraid not,” Megan said, sympathizing with the younger woman. “As I understand it, there are things in the universe - gods and dimensions and even stranger things - that, if any of us were to see them, we’d go insane.” Or to devolve into something else and other.
“But he’s not contagious,” Megan added quickly. “It’s safe to go talk to him.”
“And that thing he wrote…the ‘ia’,” mispronouncing it, “what was that?”
“Part of a paean, a hymn to an enemy of the Elder Gods.”
The End
Miskatonic University is the intellectual property of Lovecraft.