Well, this is the last day of David Sinclair's Special Month of May. I thank you for your kind attention and contributions.
I decided weeks ago that this would be my Last Post of David Sinclair Month. :D
P is for Plot Bunny
Author: Jelsemium
Rating: K+
Word Count: 620
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. I don't know where this story came from. I'm just gonna blame it on Auntie Amy.
Warning: This was written in less than fifteen minutes. Do not try to make sense of it! Do not drink! Do not eat! Do not operate heavy machinery! Look both ways before crossing the street!
"Special Agent Eppes" Don said as he ducked under the crime scene tape. "This is Special Agent Sinclair," he added as David ducked under the crime scene tape and walked carefully into the room.
"CSI Brown," the dark skinned, dark haired LAPD crime scene investigator said. "The ME is stuck in traffic. He'll be here in" he checked his watch. "Ten minutes." He shook his head. "I'll be glad when he gets here, too."
"Why's that?" Don asked.
"This is a real weird one," Brown said. "This guy must have been into costume parties or anthropomorphism or something."
"Or maybe Easter was his favorite holiday," David said.
The body in the middle of the floor was dressed in a bunny costume. Not the skimpy outfits that Hefner's Playboy bunnies wore, but a full body covering of grey fur, with long ears and a cotton tail.
"We seem to catch all the weird ones," David said in resignation.
Don shrugged. "What can you expect? Have I ever told you the story my dad told me about the Eighth Day?"
David shook his head. "No, I don't think so."
Don shone his light around the body. "That the Lord made the Heaven and Earth in six days. On the seventh He rested. Then, on the eighth day, He picked up the Earth, gave it a shake and all the loose nuts rolled to California."
David sighed.
There was a pile of dirt approximately one foot to the body's right. When Don and David moved closer to look at it, they spotted a hole that had been dug right into the ground, through carpet, floor, foundation and all.
"What's that?" Don asked, flashing his light at it. "A grave?"
Don shrugged. He circled around and crouched down to shine his light in the hole. "I can't see the bottom of this," he said. "It's really deep." He shook his head. "But it doesn't seem large enough for a grave."
"Maybe the perp decided that digging through the foundation was too much trouble," CSI Brown said. "And instead of making the grave normal dimensions, he just tried to dig deep enough to hide the body."
"But there's been no effort to hide the body," Don mused.
"Maybe this hole wasn't to cover something but to uncover, something," David posited.
"Could be," Don said. He squinted. "There's something orange under the head." He leaned closer. "It looks like a carrot!"
The body moved slightly.
All three almost jumped out of their skins.
"Shit, he's alive!" Brown blurted. He moved back and pulled out his radio.
Don leaned forward to feel for a pulse.
"Ehhh… What's up, Doc?" the "body" said.
Before Don could react, two gloved hands grasped him by the neck and planted a firm kiss on his mouth.
Don staggered back and the "Body" leaped to its oversized feet and dove headfirst into the hole.
David rushed over and leaned over, shining his light into the hole.
"Be vewwy, vewwy quiet! We'we hunting FEDS!" mocked a voice.
Then David was dragged halfway into the hole. There were loud smacking noises and some fowl language from David.
Don grabbed him and managed to haul him out. David's face was covered with lip prints outlined in bright pink lipstick.
David staggered and fell backwards, taking Don down with him. They and CSI Brown could only watched haplessly as two white gloved hands reached out of the hole, grabbed the edges and dragged the edges towards the center.
Seconds later, the hole was gone.
The three men blinked.
"I'm going to call this a prank," Brown said.
"I'm down with that," David said.
Don just shook his head and muttered something about a 'wascally wabbit.'
** **
Author's Note: Don't look at me like that, you already knew about the Very Special Brownies.