Fantasy/Numb3rs Crossover Challenge

Mar 14, 2010 17:17

I've got dozens of ideas for challenges, we'll see if this one attracts any interest.

The challenge is to crossover or fuse the Numb3rs characters with the fantasy fandom of your choice. The rules are simple:

1) The other fandom must be have a fantasy or mythological theme, such as Harry Potter, Oz, Warehouse 13, Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Supernatural... to mention a few possibilities.

2) You must give one or more Numb3rs characters some sort of special power.


Charlie teaches arithmancy at Hogwarts and has the power to actually influence the physical world with his math. (As in, he doesn't just predict where the bank robbers are going next, he can force them to choose a certain bank as their target.)

Colby Granger attended Hogwarts with his cousin, Hermione, and participated in the battle against Voldemort before joining the FBI.

Don and his team work for Warehouse 13. Liz is a shape-shifter, which is useful for retrieving artefacts. Don owns a gun that is actually a dangerous artefact.

Don and Charlie attend Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Children.

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