How to Email your Rough Draft

May 25, 2010 05:21

It's finally that time! You have until May 31, 2010 11:59 PM PST to turn in your rough draft for Round 1 of the Numb3rs Big Bang challenge. First off, to answer some questions we have gotten.

→ You must have a draft of at least 20,000 words.

→ No one but the mods will see what you turn in. We originally planned for forward the artists whatever you send us but we have decided we will just be giving contact information to the artist, and authors and artists will be free to communicate with each other and exchange drafts of the fic.

→ The summaries are important! This is what potential artists will be reading to claim a story for art. So please take your time, proofread it, and make sure its something that you think reflects your fic well.

Now, instructions on how to turn in your rough draft:

Email to:

Subject line of email:
Rough Draft - Title - LJ Username

LJ Username:
Current Word Count:
Genre: het, slash, femmeslash, mixed or general. There is NO such thing at gen mixed with a romantic genre. Do not send us that. Choose mixed.
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it)
Summary: (try to write 1-3 paragraphs)

Please keep the coding in your email, it makes it easier for us to just copy and paste this into the claiming post. The only things that will be taken out is the LJ username and word count.

Then add your fic as an attachment, we would prefer it if you had it as an .doc but we can take .txt and .rtf.

We will email you back confirming we have gotten the fic. This may not be immediate so please don't worry. If you have any questions at all or need any help leave a comment in this post.

Thank you for participating and we look forward to moving forward. Artists, remember you still have until May 31st to sign up to claim fic for art! If you have any questions, leave them here.

Text taken with thanks from kradambigbang.

2010, fic drafts

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