Title: Ear Phones
Series: Silence and Safety *10/21*
loozy Characters: Charlie- pov, Don, mention of Alan & Robin
Rating: PG- 13/ K
Summary: Charlie always has music blaring into his ears when he works on his Cognitive EmergenceTheory.
Word Count: 197
Spoilers: after 5x20, The Fifth Man
Notes: Still kind of reeling a bit from this intense week of season finals, what with Grey's Anatomy ending with a bang and then Numb3rs being kind of predictable about the last scene *still mad about that, but what can you do?* and loving the bit with the pairing that is just awesome *squee*...
My take on the prompt is a bit different from what the word says... I just felt that this right to be used this way...
Prompt: # 182 Negotiation
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fic. Numb3rs and everybody associated with it belongs to Cheryl Heuton & Nick Fallucci and CBS. I also don’t own any of the books mentioned in this drabble. I’m just having fun.
Feedback: Yes, please. I love every kind of review, even the bad ones, as long as they are helpful and constructive.
Ear Phones...