Jul 21, 2005 02:08
Today was pretty damn good.
okay. runthrough.
Somewhere a little after noon, Aaron came and picked me up. Then we went and picked Jackie up. After that, back to Aarons house for a hot second till Danielle called and we went to pick her up...then we went to get her money or something, and stuff...then we were on the road.
After a bit of confusion about which way to go, we figured it out. We finally got on the way there and etc. etc. We passed various landmarks of awe, and we finally arrived at the fabulous Mystery Hole. If you havent been, and you get the chance, definitely check it out. Paying $4 is more than worth it to see water flowing uphill. Pretty crazy stuff. Well after that we were on to Hawk's Nest. After we all relieved our bladders we wandered. We finally ended up going down to this cliff thing. It was pretty cool...but looking straight down from that far up is kiiiiinda scary. It was pretty fun though. After that we ate lunch at the Resturant thingy. DANNIELLE BUTTERED ME! Anywhoo...after that the tram and boats were closed, so eh. We may have done something after that, but I dont remember.
After we left there we stopped at at this waterfall that we saw on the way up. WOW. You really cant imagine how awesome something like that is until you experience it closeup. I recommend standing right under it. Maybe not as far under it as Danielle got, but how about right in front of it? Anyway...We gotta do that again.
We left there after having a bit of fun, and shortly after, we stopped at Kanawha Falls. It was slightly less impressive, and it didnt smell as good, so we didnt stay long.
After that we went on our way back to Charleston. We dropped my lovely Jackie off, and proceeded down to Hollywood Video. After chatting momentarily with Aaron (McDaniel) we got 4 movies and went back to Aarons (Stopping at Go-mart on the way) I got two energy drinks and downed them both at Aarons. I was mighty twitchy. I didnt pay much attention to the first one. I was playing WoW *blush* I was playing it through the 2nd one too, but I payed a lot more attention. I brutally suck at WoW.
After the second movie, Danielles dad wanted her home, so Aaron dropped her off and then me. So, I'm home now, and I'm still prettttttty twitchy.
So yeah, overall two hundred thumbs up.