May 06, 2011 01:20
[Being in Mayfield for over a year has given Vince a pretty good idea of what to except when certain days come along, and Mother's Day is one that especially sticks out in his memory. Mostly because of how fun Father's Day was after that, but Vince isn't planning on going through that all over again. Too awkward. Too messy. Too filled with doing chores. And as much as he enjoys cakes, he has a sinking feeling that his current wife wouldn't be nearly as merciful. He knows begging won't work; that sort of power is just too good to give up for free. But he's never met anyone who couldn't be bribed.
Years of knowing women in both the biblical sense and just in the sense of knowing them has also given Vince a pretty good idea of what they like, so he sets out to put his plan into motion. He will be:
A. At the flower shop! He's looking at a collection of potted plants as if his choice will decide whether he lives or dies. Which it might.
B. At the bakery! Possibly eating more "free samples" than actually buying anything.
C. At the general store! Buying crayons and construction paper. Because he feels some girls actually deserve cards, even on evil holidays.]