Leaves Are Turning

Apr 10, 2004 21:08

Eeek, the weather is turning cold on us ....brrrr. Winter's chill is definitely in the air.

Did half a shift at work today 'cos I had to play at a wedding with the quartet this afternoon (earning more in two hours than I would have in an 8 hour work shift!) Was half expecting the fire alarms to go off this morning at work, as it's now the school holidays, and was picturing myself running round trying to shut down all the films. I'm still getting used to the different projectors, so I'm still not sure of the best way to shut down and restart them.
It would be just my luck for the alarms to go off tomorrow, or something.

Sadly the LEAF server is not responding .... aaagghhhh! So I can't get my fix tonight! ...... maybe I'll try again later.
:::::: getting jittery LEAF-withdrawal symtoms::::::

Oh, but good news .... did better than I expected in my Sindarin workbook, which has been so efficiently checked by Naneth. Wooohooo! Hannon le Naneth!

(The cute little girl at the top of the page is Josie the Chinchilla - ain't she sweet.)

leaf, work

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