Confused? Me Too ...

Nov 18, 2006 12:53

From caras_galadhon (whose own comment is here):

Secret Snap Cup (I don't know what the heck that title means!) in queenofthorns's journal
How To Play:
1) Comment with your username in her post.
2) Go back to your own LJ and post the link your comment because otherwise, no one will know to come fawn over you if you don't tell them about it!
3) Your friends will leave ANONYMOUS comments to your comment about all the many reasons that you are WONDERFUL, and then they will comment with THEIR usernames and go post the link to THEIR comments and it will be a giant big snowball of love.
4) We will all feel WARM and FUZZY and excited about the KINDNESS OF STRANGERS! YAY!!!

Link to My Comment

(Don't worry, just read the instructions a couple of times, pop over there and have a look - you'll get the hang of it ... or at least I think I have ...)

randomness, memes

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