Sorry it's been so long!

Mar 07, 2006 22:32

Census night tonight - the night all NZers must (by law, apparently!) fill out a four page survey about our lives.
Last census there was some publicity about a group of people who put 'Jedi' (or 'Jedi Knight', or something) under the Religion section. Quite a number actually did it, I think. Not sure of exact numbers.

Anyway, tonight I lacked the courage to enter 'Quenya' as a language in which I can "hold a conversation about a lot of everyday things".
At the end you have to sign to say that everything you've written is correct to the best of your knowledge. And if I had written Quenya then I would have been lying. Damn my ingrained respect for official questionnaires ...!

Our local eccentric, Laird McGillicuddy, always has a novel approach to the national census:
Frozen Laird aims to make no census


We had a big party to celebrate Tyla's first birthday about three weeks ago. What a great day!
There were about 25 people here at our place. Lots of kids among them.
We had a buffet table of finger food that people brought with them and everyone could help themselves throughout the afternoon, in between rounds of mini golf (that Dad had set up around the garden), volleyball, badminton, slip'n'slide and splashing in the paddling pool.
It was a lot of fun. And Tyla ripped into her presents with great enthusiasm.

I don't have any pictures yet to show from that day.
But here are some Tyla photos from over the summer (only visible to friends):

(Click on the pic for the original, but they are rather large sorry ...
The last one's probably the only one you'd want to enlarge, just to see the look on her face!)


Here's a link I've been meaning to share since I went to a local theatre company's production of The Rocky Horror Show last October.
(Great production, by the way, in which I think the male actors came off better than the female ones. Rocky was amazingly acrobatic!)

Rocky Horror in 30 seconds by Bunnies
The bunny troupe in the above link do lots of other movie parodies - have a look around - but I think the Rocky one is one of the best.


I got an email a few days ago from a 'student advisor' for the correspondence school I'm doing the proofreading course through. She'd been trying to get hold of me by phone, but that's a bit tricky because of my work roster - doesn't fit in with other people's work hours.
Replied that I'm usually home on Tuesday nights, and was expecting to hear from her tonight, but not a peep.

I feel like a naughty school kid. I don't know what she wants to speak to me for - and why didn't she just put it in the email?
I have a guilty conscience because haven't made much progress lately. I got a bit discouraged when I got my marked assignment 3 back.
I thought I'd been extra careful with it, but it came back with a lot of corrections, some of which I have issues with because I feel I didn't have all the information I needed to complete the assignment the way it should have been completed. Grrrrr ....
And I got a bit bored with assignment 4 so I started reading tutorials further on and doing parts of the related assignments.
Ooops, I know I shouldn't have skipped ahead, but those bits looked so much more interesting!


Tai Chi is going well. We have learnt the 18 movements of one form (not exactly sure what it's called) so now I just have to practice and refine my movements. We should be starting on "The 24" soon - that's the form that most people know as the classic Tai Chi.


randomness, tyla, photos, tai chi

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