2008 New Year's Resolutions

Jan 02, 2008 22:51

- focusing mainly on magazines, posters and DVDs, all of which I’ve been meaning to thin out majorly for a while. And then I’ll get to work on other stuff I really don’t need. Half of my belongings have been boxed up in the corner of my room for over a year now, because me being in this particular room was supposed to be temporary -it still has to be painted and carpeted. Every so often I need to find something, so I pull out all the boxes, find the item (as well as a few things I can throw away), then pack it all back into a ‘slightly’ smaller pile.

Watch Less, Read More:
The number of books I haven’t read this year dismays me.  Okay, let’s start small ...
On a ‘school  night' (which here means 'a night preceding a day shift') I will not watch DVDs after 10.30pm, but may read a book to any hour.

Get Exercising:
Establish a routine and stick to it!
Step 1: Start swimming regularly. Aim for twice a week to start with, then three times a week by end of March (at the latest). Eventually, four or five times a week would be great, but it depends what effect swimming will have on my hair, which is also something I want to focus on this year (taking better care of it and growing it longer).
Step 2: Learn a yoga routine that I can do every morning. I will need to get a yoga mat (floor is too hard!) and some blocks for positions I can’t stretch to fully when I’m first starting out.


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