So, if I was a cat ...?

Jul 20, 2007 13:51

Gacked from selinafenech  because it looked random and fun ...

Your Score: Longcat
60 % Affection, 21 % Excitability , 48 % Hunger

Protector of truth.

Slayer of darkness.


Longcat may seem like just a regular lengthy cat, but he is, in fact, looong. For proof, observe the longpic.

It is prophesized that Longcat and his archnemesis Tacgnol will battle for supremacy on Caturday. The outcome will change the face of the world, and indeed the very fabric of lolcatdom, forever.

Be grateful that the test has chosen you, and only you, to have this title.

The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

So there you have it folks. ;)

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Three weeks till the 2007 International Film Festival! Woot!
Some movies that I've been keenly anticipating for a while (which have turned up in the Auckland program, and which I'm fairly confident will make it to the Hamilton program):

A Mighty Heart - by brilliant, eclectic director Michael Winterbottom
Eagle vs Shark - quirky NZ fare with Jermaine from Flight of the Conchords, long live the geeks!
Priceless - Audrey Tautou and the guy from The Valet
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - looks intriguing, and Tom Tykwer directing
Day Watch - the sequel to Night Watch should be just plain cool
Venus - Peter O'Toole's Oscar-nominated performance
Half Nelson - another awards magnet

Unfortunately the new-look festival website gets zero points from me. It freezes up my computer when its loading a page or if I switch between windows. I was going to link each of the above titles to its festival page, but now I'm not going to bother, thank you very much ... *huffy*

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So tomorrow's the big day for Harry Potter fans. Will I still trust Snape this time tomorrow?
Probably, because I don't want to start reading Deathly Hallows till I've finished re-reading Half-Blood Prince, and I still have a fair way to go with that -- having started it a bit too late. But I'l definitely be purchasing my copy as soon as I can. :)

movies(festival), stuff i don't understand, memes

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