Small disclaimer: Not everyone will agree with what I have to say on any of these issues, but if you don't (and in many cases you won't) please consider commenting to start a discussion on the matter. I enjoy being persuaded, and persuading others.
Well, I'll go with the interesting blog post first (the stuff that has nothing to do with me).
Unless you've been living under a rock, or don't read the news, or don't give a shit about technology, you would have seen that AOL released 3 months of
search records from over 650,000 AOL users. Now, before clicking the next link, think of everything that you type into a search engine, think of every abbreviated string of text that makes sense in your mind, or every phrase that you hope no one knew that you searched for. Now that you have those, think about what
others search for. SA has done the work for us, and has picked out the most amusing (and disturbing) search queries. My favourite is on
page 8. I'll let that one speak for itself. I could go on about this topic, but I'll stop.
On to me, since this is a journal about me.
-My camera is supposed to come Thursday, that makes me quite happy. The guy threw in 2 8 hour batteries and a haze filter which is great, because I thought I was paying too much to begin with. The camera is in really good condition, and he's only ran one type of tape through the camera, and from what I've read it's the tape of professionals.
-Work ends friday, from there I take a week off, which entails me spending as much time with Lily as possible, with a small trip to NYC in the middle. I'm going to miss work, the money, the job, and being so close to developers, some of whom make good conversation and aren't above teaching.
-Our first short is supposed to be filmed Sunday, this is a chance to get back into the swing of movie making, and give us a chance -through many shorts- to work on different aspects of filmmaking that we've glazed over in the past. I'm anxious to start making stuff, and really want to start putting a pen to paper and creating the feature for next summer.
-Politics piss me off, moreso than usual as of late.
-I listened to an old George Carlin bit about airport security today. It talked about how it was an illusion, and that plains could never be completely safe (snakes aside). I think he was right back then, and he's right today. Note that the latest airline problems have been removed from the media in favour of the admitted killer of Jon Benet Ramsey. I wish I understood it, I wish that somewhere in my understanding of sociology or anthropology I understood what the big deal is. It's one girl, who didn't live long enough to make a mark on the earth and America seems to eat the story up. Her mom died, and that was a blip in the news. New York City police cars have bumper stickers asking you to call in if you have information about cop killers, and they don't hit the national news. Why are dead affluent beauty queens who will grow up to be coke head models the best news we can come up with? That's not to say they'll all grow up to be coke heads or models, or both, but hey, you have to stay skinny somehow.
-Yes I just went Carlin->airport security->snakes->jon benet ramsey
and how.