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Since Gearfest was a tradeshow, you know that there would be a lot of free “stuff” from vendors.
A few notes:
1) Rode gave me a tshirt. They assumed I was a “large.” While I’m flattered, I am not a large. Sigh.
2) Moog gave me a tshirt. They were out of anything other than XXL. So it’s a bit big. Oh well. But the “Keep Your Hands Off My Theremin” slogan makes me giggle. Okay, yeah, I’m a nerd.
3) The Moog Music pocket protector is simultaneously the most useless and incredibly awesome giveaway ever.
4) Ableton and AEA both gave out mousepads. They know their markets. I already have an Ableton mousepad, though.
5) Sweetwater themselves gave us bags to keep it all in along with catalogs and schedules, and as a particularly nice touch, loaded the bags with candy. Sadly, my candy was limited entirely to Tootsie Rolls and Bit O’Honey, while Dan scored a few rolls of Smarties, which is free-candy gold.
6) Have I mentioned how awesome free chilled bottled water was?
7) it’s not schwag, but I found it beyond hilarious that the SSL demo played Peter Gabriel.
And some blurry cameraphone photos (more on my
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