Mar 19, 2009 11:14
At a previous employer, back at the start of my career, our corporate email system had some quirks.
One was that, in order to send a message to an internet email address, you'd have to send it to ""
Where this got funny was that there was also a corporate team for development of our internet resources (websites, systems, etc) called "Internet."
And the mailsystem was awfully helpful about trying to correct typos.
Consequently, people occassionally meant to send email to "#internet#[address]" would forget the "#" and send email to "internet, address." And "address" would bounce, which would be their first clue that something horrible had just happened.
Like when the CEO sent a message to our team, frankly detailing all the sexy things he was going to do to us when he got home tonight. It was, of course, meant for his girlfriend. Turns out his *other* girlfriend was on our team. Whoops.
Or the time when our head of customer services sent a message to her husband (who worked in one of our tech departments) and a pro-legalization mailing list, detailing how she just needed to wake-n-bake every day so she could stand her job. Her husband, apparenlty not noticing the address problem, replied-all and told us that he agreed and that he too was generally stoned for a good portion of the workday.
Sadly, we eventually upgraded the mail system to one that was smart enough to not require you to put #internet# in front of the address.