Mon, 19:00: I think one of the most frustrating things, currently about LOTR RP, is the whole domino effect of inactivity.
Mon, 19:02: Mairon: *the Meoa return the smile, though Mairon's is far more remote. After all they are sitting - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:02: Mairon: - at the Loremaster of Rivendell's table, and it is hardly the Meo's will to show such - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:05: Mairon: - vulnerabilities in his presence. After all, Elrond does already mistrust him* Elrond: *takes note of his guest's - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:06: Elrond: - seeming aloofness, but makes no visible sign that this is, indeed the case* As long as you are - @ Eldarwen
Mon, 19:07: Elrond: - certain. *at that moment Elves bring them all their meal* Shall we eat then? *he asks wishing to lighten the mood* @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:15: Moriel: *the Mea, along with Mairon, does likewise, feeling it may be best to pursue a less - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:15: Moriel: - potentially problematic discussion* I must say, Loremaster Elrond, I find your gardens and places of running water to - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:16: Moriel: - be most lovely. *only half listens to his response, her thoughts, if not her ancient azure gaze, going back to - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:17: Moriel: - Eldarwen. For even if she says nothing, Moriel can see that she is dissatisfied with - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:18: Moriel: - something, which, at least for the moment, the Mea can only guess at. She does however mean - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:18: Moriel: - to bring up the matter later once they are out of earshot of Elrond, and possibly, even Mairon - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 19:19: Moriel: - not that she would avoid speaking of this matter to her spouse, but only that @ Eldarwen_ might be more comfortable speaking -
Mon, 20:49: RT @ StellaMilite: Writing a quick note that asked her to accompany him at the #LotRAutumnBall, Elrohir slipped it under the door belonging…
Mon, 20:49: RT @ StellaMilite: -- @ Evergraceful and hoped that she would give him an answer swiftly one way or another for the ball was to be held this…
Mon, 21:15: Moriel: - many matters which require his attention, to spend any time engaging in idle pleasantries. Once - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 21:16: Moriel: - Elrond departs, the Mea gestures for @ Eldarwen_ to follow her* Mairon: I shall be in the library *he informs -
Mon, 21:16: Mairon: - them, as he can sense from Moriel, that she wishes a moment alone with the maiden* You are both welcome to - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 21:18: Mairon: - join me if you wish. *with one of his most captivating smiles, the Meo strides away the warm lamp light glinting - @ Eldarwen_
Mon, 21:19: Mairon: - upon his pale golden hair* Moriel: *arching a brow as Mairon departs, she turns her full attention to @ Eldarwen_* What kind of -
Mon, 21:20: Moriel: -evening activities do you enjoy? *she feels it is best not to press, and simply let @ Eldarwen_ have command of both their -
Mon, 21:33: Oooh, this week's @ heartsofspace is ON POINT. Bring on the somber quiet soundscape of Autumn
Mon, 21:48: Aienni: *the First Convoy of the Retemar Elfin snakes its way beneath the dark trees of Mirkwood. Aienni - @ PrinceOfElves_ @ RoyalThranduil
Mon, 22:00: Aienni: - them. There were no fatalities, however various members of the Convoy have been wounded. And so - @ PrinceOfElves_ @ RoyalThranduil
Mon, 22:01: Aienni: - the northern forest, along with his people, they have come in search of this monarch and hope he - @ PrinceOfElves_ @ RoyalThranduil
Mon, 22:02: *wipes brow* Man, I've not had Aienni and her people out for awhile.
Mon, 22:06: Y'know, it's honestly all the minor chars who really make whatever world they're from and in, come alive. haha.
Mon, 23:30: TWBlue isn't half bad, only I'm not sure how to remove those darn display names (esp with fancy fonts).
Mon, 23:38: I may need to go into my DPI settings and force my computer's font to bold.
Mon, 23:42: In the past having the display name only wouldn't be such an issue, but now with all the fancy font craze.....*cries*
Mon, 23:46: Maybe if I turn off the auto lang switching, NVDA won't read out the fancy fonts character by character.
Mon, 23:48: ...And nope. Still reads char-by-char with the fake fonts.
Mon, 23:54: What is WRONG with you, NVDA. I added the fancy font name to the speech dictionary. READ IT PROPERLY. *scowls*
Tue, 00:00: RT @ Eldarwen_: //Always open for RP! Hobbit / LOTR OC Not new to RP or fandom Open to certain crossovers Fav if this you're too shy to ask…
Tue, 00:00: AHA! I got it. It just needed whole-word separation off. Since it seems TWBlue reads it as a unbroken string.
Tue, 00:02: Conversely, I could just swap all the display names for their proper @-names in my speech dictionary. *sneaky sneaky Katya*