May 06, 2004 22:34
People tell me it is too hard to read my livjournal because I write... formally... or something like that. I will conform to your ways and write and act like the blathering moron society has taught us to be.
UH! SO TODAY (By ThE wAy, I tHiNk I'm CoOl If I tYpE lIkE a FuCkInG aNoYiNg JaCkAsS) SOME GUY CAME UP TO ME AND HE WAS LIKE UNNHH... fuck that! who does he think he is, i mean, yeah. WATCH ME TYPE IN CAPS SO IT SEEMS LIKE I'M YELLING, THIS DRIVES ME CRAZY. television is my god, friends is like totally over and now im sad. waaahhh woe is so me right now.
Fuck that. I'll eat shit and die before that happens to me. In fact, let me just salt up my shit a little bit just in case. Right, maybe a little pepper... hm... some basil wouldn't hurt.
Tomorrow does belong to us, and I'll murder society if tomorrow is run by overdramatized lives that were written by conformist authors for television. Computers have destroyed more than they have created, and so has technology. Social skills within people are diminishing along with intelligence and peace. The reason why I wear my hair like a fucking dolt may lie within these factors, and I hope it causes people to think.