So I had to work Christmas morning and I thought "Might as well start Christmas early." The kids were hoping to have it on Christmas eve and Herman was talking about Saturday morning so I decided "How about as soon as Herman gets home at midnight Friday?" so I didn't tell anyone but set out my plans. As SOON as Herman left to go to work, the kids and I started on building his gift. It was funny, we ended up needing a philips head screwdriver so the girls walked to the store while Chris and I kept working with the allen wrench stuff.
(Here are a few pics)
Our Little Tree The Kids The Girls The Girls again Gypsy's Present Herman's Present My Present At one point I noticed a sticker with the kanji for "right" on it and pointed it out to Chris to see if he recognized it. Then about 6 steps in the instructions later I found out that it was on the left so we had to take it apart and re-do it. Chris laughed at me for like 5 minutes.
We got it all set up and fixed up the area around it and covered it with a dark sheet. It took 3 hours. >^_^<
Then when Herman came home I surprised them all with starting Christmas early. Everyone seemed happy about it.
We got Herman an arcatect's desk.
Chris got Gypsy soap and she got him socks - it was sooo funny. The real gift Chris got Gypsy was "Harvest Moon" with the girl and she got him Risk - Star Wars version. Cinnamon got Chris "Fire Emblem" and he got her "Spyro" and 2 B-Da Man toys.
Cinnamon and Gypsy got each other friendship necklaces with a letter telling each other they love each other even though they fight. I thought it was great they both had the same idea lol. Cinnamon got Gypsy her own make-up and make up bag and some earrings that match her Cheerleading uniform. And Gypsy got her "Krunk's New Grove".
Herman and I got Chris a Halo hoodie, another year for his Halo 2 account and a new headset since Yari sat on the old one. lol oh and a Megaman game for gameboy.
We got Cinnamon her own Halo 2 account and a Harry Potter game for PC. We got Gypsy an MP3 player and let her have her FFXI account back.
And Herman got us all cell phones and I got a new cd case which I've needed for a long time. We also got the kids a keyboard and mouse and they will have their own computer in a few days when it's done being built.
Overall - it was a wonderful Christmas, and our first real Christmas together. There is nothing more I wish for in this world. Sometimes I think I'll wake up and it'll all be a dream, but then I roll over and see Herman there and it's all I can do to keep from crying myself to sleep.
I tend to cry when I'm extremely happy.
Happy New Year everyone.