I read webcomics. And have a more than passing knowledge of pop culture.
And chances are, about 90% of characters, from movies to television shows to webcomics, have been depicted in fan fiction.
Usually having sex with other characters that they would never actually have sex with. Not just because they aren't actually real.
Why do people have this pathological need to do this?
And with fan art. Most times, it's of such awful quality, I can't see how the original artist doesn't feel such revulsion that they disavow all art, and promise never to draw again, for the good of humanity. Like Dr. Frankenstein trying to destroy his creature, realizing the horror he has unleashed upon the world.
But there's a lot of porn made out of this stuff, too.
So when you're google searching for... any random character, chances are, you'll find pictures some idiot drew of that character having sex with some other character.
And the more obscure the character, chances are, the more obscure the act being portrayed.
http://www.somethingawful.com/d/fashion-swat/This is a fun waste of time, and one of the entries is regarding this phenomenon, so if you feel led to check up on what I speak of, there you go.
A non-posted example is the recent Vader mail I received, including Jar-Jar Binks, a Wookie, and two Ewoks.
And Darth Vader, of course.
I just don't understand the need to do this.
Who watches their favorite television show, and sadly turns it off afterwards, since they still haven't had sex, yet, dammit, why aren't those two just gonna do it? Isn't it good enough to imagine being a doctor, or flying a spaceship? We can't be happy with that?
There's TV channels specifically geared toward people having sex. Why do some people need to have the cast of 60 Minutes joining in the depravity?