Saw I am Legend the other day. Enjoyed it, but had a few problems with it.
Had more problems with the
new Batman trailer. Just makes
The Joker look like some small time criminal, doing regular stuff. I don't want some normal person the police can't seem to catch. I want the clown prince of crime. You can't hold a city for ransom with just knives and a machinegun.
Looked crazy enough, but didn't seem crazy enough.
I also got tired of seeing Batman's motorcycle. Doesn't mean I don't want it, but quit showing it, yeah?
As for crazy, and bats, (operatively in the form batshit crazy) while I was at the mall in Silverdale, the electricity went out. And naturally, everyone screamed. I'm not sure why people scream when the lights go out, but I really hate people.
It must be some kind of instincive response, but I'm not sure why.
So I think we come from bats.
After all, bats use sound to see where they're going. When the lights go out, we all just fall back on our evolutionary backgrounds and start screaming.
Except we're stupid, and can't echolocate, especially not when a mall full of other stupid people are also trying to echolocate at the same time.
It's like honking in a traffic jam. Just doesn't help.
But yet it continues.
Sometimes I wish I were deaf.