Title:Weekend At The Cabin
heddlyRating: R (AC, AL, N, Sex Scenes)
Disclaimer: All ATWT characters the property of P&G/Telenext. No copyright infringement intended. No profit made from this fiction.
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Noah
Word Count: ~9,600
Warnings: Adult content
Spoilers: None
Summary: Luke and Noah are living in Los Angeles a little over 3.5 years after reconciling. They’ve been married for almost 3 years. They’ve bought a home together in the Hollywood hills and have 2 biologic baby boys by surrogate. Life is busy for the young couple but they make time for each other and their young family. Life is good.
After a particularly hectic few weeks both men are ready for a break from the city and the chaotic routine. They’ve hardly spent any time together lately due to their busy schedules and when they are together the boys come first. The strain on their relationship is starting to show and they just want to re-connect with one another as a couple. Their friend Jake offers them his remote cabin up in the nearby mountains for a long weekend. They’re anxious to take him up on his offer, but hesitant to take their infant sons up into the mountains.
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