Title: Reunification
nukefan2012Rating: PG
Word Count: 853
Disclaimer: I don't own Luke, Noah, or any other character from ATWT. I simply borrow them to turn the ideas in my head into stories. I promise not to make any money off them and to return then when I'm done.
Summary: Luke's and Noah's thoughts starting from the moment Noah opened his eyes and was able to see Luke after the surgery. It's a little different from what the lame-ass writers gave us, and the way I think it should have gone.
Author's Notes: As always, I have to give a big shout out and thank you to Ashley, my amazing beta, without whom I could not do this. Also a huge thank you and cyber hug goes out to my internet bestie, Dani, for all her love and encouragement, not only with this story but with life in general. I love you both!