I had to choose a topic for my English class this semester, to write about for the entire semester. Gay Marriage was choosen, and well I would like some opinions. What I mean by an opinion, is a well thought out answer to the question "Should same sex marriages be legal in the US?" This is not a discussion about polyamory, it is not a flame war
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Marriage is simply a contract. Nothing more. This contract spells out the rights and responsibilities of each member of the marital unit. Period.
Whatever emotional attachment the members of a marriage put on "being married" is up to them. Love and hate cannot be legislated for or against. Resistance against gay and lesbian marriage is a leftover of primitive tribal beliefs, which possess all-too-much a hold on the tiny little minds of far too many.
That said, if a church or other religion does not want to hold a religious marriage ceremony for people who, in their belief, do not qualify for it -- that is their right. I'll neverf understand people who are considered "not-people" believing in one of thsoe religions... masochists, the lot of them, and not of the fun sort, either. I once had a friend of mine, a "Christian" who happened to be a lesbian, who convinced herself that God was going to condemn her to Hell for being a lesbian. No god who would condemn a person to "Hell" for loving another person would be the Christian God. Such a god is something else altogether...
But anyway, real marriage, that legally-binding secular contract, with all rights and responsibilities thereto... that should be open to any and all consenting adults in any combination they desire.
And anyone would say "but that will lead to the legalization of bestialisty and pedophiles and so forth" needs a swift kick to the head with a steel-toed boot. Preferably one with a shiv.
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