Nov 19, 2012 20:57
Wow Live Journal! It's been ages since I've been here. Had some friends asking about me so I thought a send a post and revist my old stomping grounds.
Novemember 18th, and I finally have power! And cable! And heat! And I can move out of my mom's house!!!! My area of Long Island was hit pretty hard by the storm..I live right by a marina on the southern most part of Seaford (SEAford, very appropriate). Most of the houses were destroyed and many lost there boats. I wish the person whose boat in still on my lawn would come and claim it.
Before you feel too sorry for me.....I was actually on a cruise when the storm hit. On Oct. 27th, I boarded the lovely Princess Caribbean destined for Bermuda. Alas, not to be. The Captain, deciding to be safe rather than sorrry, went north from to NY headed to Halifax. We arrived in Canada a few days later to be told the Canadians didn't want us (go figure) OK, quick U-turn to Boston, where we spent the next three days. Turns out, our port in Brooklyn was washed away, along with many passanger's cars(not mine). Stuck on cruise a few extra days(I know, how awful) and finally returned to port in Manhattan.
I came back to my place four days after Sandy hit. Place looks pretty sad and I was freezing for days, but still luckier than most. I was also happy to hear my LJ friend from Staten Island was OK.
Thanks for all the emails from concerned friends. All's well now. Shout out to my FOFF girls(you know who you are). Think about you all the time and miss you like crazy. Will try to spend more time on LJ to keep in touch.