Lion King Blu Ray Box Set is now MINE. Got this with it: Love the packaging of the collector's edition :D Mine isn't that well assembled, but it is WONDERFUL to look at.
Long Live the King.
Yeah, in honesty some of that ain't quite so much lurking as opposed to just being totally off the LJ radar for a while. I sneak on every now and then but where I used to check maybe every 48 hours, that frequency has slipped gradually further and further back unfortunately. I should really make more efforts to keep up.
But oh yeah definately love that artwork, I saw it on the Disney US website a couple weeks ago during the chat I was having with a friend about the TLK merch at the stores. Now if only I had enough allowance on my C-Cards!! There's apparently a really nice (albeight maybe slightly big/expensive) snowglobe scene that I hear is pretty badass which ain't the one on the website. Unsure exactly how much they have that ain't on the web, but I hear the stores are pretty kitted out atm.
So seperately, congrats to you n' Brit on Ethan!! You got Flickr or something posted somewhere with you all as I see a distinct lack of pics posted on here (or have I just completely missed it) ?
Thanks BTW. He's a joy, that's for sure.
I'm not sure if my album is public, but go ahead and try this link:
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