First off I had to show that picture, I've had my shirt for awhile but I never took a pic for facebook and I realized where else to post my tshirt time tshirt but on my jersey legacy page! I also cut bangs this morning when I woke up because I felt like it.
I'm having such mega drama in school & life right now and I'm sooo fed up. Since last night things are looking a bit more up but still not great.
My cat of 15 years died on monday. She'd been struggling with lung cancer and it accelerated into train wreck speeds in the few weeks. We'd taken her to the vet previously but she was too far along to begin with when they caught it that it was like a 80% chance of her dying from treatment so we just kept her comfortable her last days.
She was the greatest cat ever. We rescued her from the Mohave desert in cali when she was a baby and was with us for so many moves across the states (military family). I miss her so much although I am thankful to have my pet rats here to keep me company.
As for school, I've been having such issues with my education advisor for a long time. She never tells me what I need to do and when... I asked her how to get BFA at the same time, she has no answer. I have to go hunt things on my own. I finally got assigned an art advisor and I got accepted into the BFA program at my school, so I had an Art Education and a BFA degree going at same time. Last semester I was going to do my practioner but my advisor did not bother to tell me I had to first apply for a Substitute teaching lisence, and then apply for the class. So by the time I got my lisence it was too late for the class, so I had to wait until the Fall 2011 semester. I go to try and register, I get into my practioner but I can't get into my methods, it says theres a pre-req error. So I email her explaining that I want to take both at the same time and that it's giving me an error, and ask if she could override it.
She FIRST replies that of course she can, this happens all the time. Yesterday she emails again saying that its IMPOSSIBLE and that I will have to wait until next year to take this class, blahblah.
After all the headaches she's given me, the lack of answers and help i've recieved I will now seriously probably be going the same route as all my friends... I'm dropping the education department and just completing my BFA. I wanted to teach more at a community college/university level anyway, the education degree was just so I have the door open for a possibly steady job. I wanted to get my MFA anyway, and that's what you need for college teaching - not some stupid educational theory courses. The worst thing is, is that all the secondary education people in our department seem to experience this. History education, Language education (ie german, french), Math ed, English ed, and ofc Art ed... all of them seem to have HORRIBLE issues between their content area and the lack of direction from the education department. Elementary ed students never seem to have a problem.. lol.
I talked to my art advisor Doug Russell today about this and he quickly brought me a form to drop my Education degree, lol! He said he KNEW i was going this way soon by the way I was talking during advising and he couldn't be more right. This education degree has been a huge burden and not the interesting thing I'd thought it'd be. I always thought I'd get through college and not be the student who changes majors but here in my senior year I'm changing... but really, I'd have to or I'd be a triple x super senior by the end, because keeping with education adds another 2-3 years onto my thing while I can finish up in a year and a half with playing catchup on my BFA (with things that were embedded into my education program, like writing and public speaking classes).
Anyway, Sorry about all that but I needed to rant and really PHYSICALLY write out all my frustrations somewhere. I havent done anything yet, I want to think a bit more on it but it just seems the better way to go for me to actually be happy with my life. I want to teach, I know that, but I always wanted to teach higher education. So this just seems right.
Thanks for reading all that if you did!
Not the most flattering angle LOOOL but idc.
My friends really wanted to take that picture :x