
Feb 16, 2007 22:06

HaiHai!! ^^

school's great.
last week and this week is full of testtesttest.
PMS & FO results are back.
passed, but FO's results is really bad. ):
i was hoping that i will passed with flying colors, though i didn't really study.
expecting too much? i was thinking about that too. :X

forgetful me got locked out of the house on wednesday.
i didn't bring my keys with me and waited at the staircase for 2 hours before my mum came to the rescue.
i was so glad that i'm not in need of the toilet, then.
if not, i would have died-ed there.

i decided to start my lunar new year holiday earlier.
i didn't went to school today.
feel kind of bad for Mr Foo, though.
but Mrs Heng class (FIVE STRAIGHT HOURS) is damn boring.
it's lame to come for only one lesson, so... the whole bunch of us skipped the whole day altogether. :X
and on to..

i have LOTS to fangirl about.
all these started on last saturday. ^^

i watched 花より男子 on cabletv last saturday.
i started watching because, well.. for no reason.
and after that.. i'm totally in love with it.
cause i'm dying to know what happened next, i borrowed 花より男子 VCDs from vallance and i watched the whole 9 episodes of 花より男子 on tuesday, ITSELF.
i started watching 花より男子2 today and i'm totally on par with Japan right now.
i'm amazed of myself.

i never really liked Jun Matsumoto when Arashi just debuted.
Sho Sakurai should replace him? :X
Oguri Shun is totally love. (the one in white)
totally Hanazawa Rui-ly.


this is kind of lame. :X
i was watching the VCDs and i can't help but to pause it just to take his picture.

Makino and Rui. ♥
i'm so in favour of Makino and Rui.
they look so cute together.
i wonder how will the story goes if Makino was to be with Soujirou.

O G U R I  S H U N ♥

oh yes, because of this addictive drama..
my arashi craze is back, after 6 years.
i feel so jappy right now. :X

ah! Choosey Lover PV is out. ^^
i ADORE it.
the song, you never get sick of listening to it.

i'm so far behind with suju. T.T
i'm 1-2 episodes behind GoongS too.
talking about GoongS.. did i mention that i wish Jaejoong is Kang Woo?
i don't know why. i feel that Jaejoong will do a great job on being Kang Woo.

and after 57657687184154141 years later, i finally watched Death Note ONE
it seems like it's the TV version of the movie and it doesn't really have an ending.
Light met L and fullstop. o.O?
weird ending.

done. done. done.
jaa ne~

fangirl, updates, hyd, ♥♥

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