Wait... what?

Feb 13, 2017 15:02

So I was just sitting here, waiting in anticipation for this year's My Slashy Valentine archive to open (yes, i know that's not until tomorrow, but I can always HOPE for an early release, right??), when I realized something:

I managed to make it through an entire swap WITHOUT having a screaming, mouth-frothing melt-down.

How the heck did that happen??? Yes, I did have a bit of 'empty document' frustration, but the raging wails of "OHMAIGOD I HAVE NOTHING WRITTEN AND NO PLOT I'm gonna DIIIEEE!" were absent this time around for some reason. It almost feels... incomplete? I dunno, I'm still waiting for it.

Oh! And here's a beautiful, squiggly Dahlia I found on Pinterest. No reason in particular, other than it's pretty and sunny outside.

So there!


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