Title: Runner.
lan_ting Group & Pairing: VIXX, Taekwoon!Centric, Taekwoon/Hakyeon
Rating PG
Warnings (if necessary):
Summary: Taekwoon wasn’t sure what was going to happen to them, but he felt like the world was expanding at a rate that couldn’t be controlled.
Notes: because I happen to have read all 3 Maze Runner books - I was so hyped about writing it, but I chose to only focus on the glade etc from the first book (and now movie) in case you haven’t read anything else.
Taekwoon sighed as he looked over the maps. He knew he had to report to Hakyeon about what he’d discovered, and all he’d worked out is that there was a pattern to the maze - not that it was going to help them get out, because each section led to a dead end and each dead end was another night of Taekwoon staying awake all night trying desperately to try to work out how, if there was anyway, to get out of the maze. He just began to hate the maze, to hate the glade, to hate even Hakyeon who realistically was just trying to help - but there was nothing that was going to make the other magically find the answer as to how to get them all out of here. He was one of the eldest, Hakyeon was older, but they couldn’t lose hope - not now. He couldn’t give up not while there were so many other people relying on him to work out how to get them out of the maze, how they could get out of the world they appeared to be perpetually trapped in.
He didn’t even know what life held for them if they ever got out. He was going to be going out into a world he had no memory of - to parents he had no memory of, or siblings, or friends, or anything. All he knew was the Glade and his name. Taekwoon. He didn’t even know why he was called that, or who named him or if he was named after someone else. He also had a Glade nickname, for some reason they called him Leo - but Hakyeon always used Taekwoon. They were the oldest, and they were also the ones who felt the most pull towards each other. Taekwoon didn’t exactly know what to think about him and Hakyeon - so he chose to snuggle into the other at night and not think at all about what this was, or whatever.
He did know he was supposed to like girls, but Hakyeon was specially, he was amazing and he had this calming aura that God knew Taekwoon needed someone to calm him down. He needed the other almost as much as he needed oxygen, and Taekwoon was what Hakyeon needed. He didn’t know how - but he was so sure that Hakyeon needed him equally as much. It made their relationship easier - well that and Taekwoon didn’t speak unnecessarily so they didn’t fight often. Taekwoon only spoke when there was real cause.
Taekwoon’s main feature was that he was a runner, although silent, he led the runners. The job was essentially in the title, they ran the maze. Mapping it, trying to find anything at all that would help everyone escape, not that it was working. Taekwoon hated the futility of his actions. Taekwoon hated that no matter how much he tried he was still doing a job that was doing nothing. He sighed a little, he wasn’t the only runner, but the others weren’t as fast, or with as good a memory as him. He didn’t even know why he bothered with a team - some of them were pathetically slow. He just needed a team. They lost people everyday it seemed and that was more frustrating.
Taekwoon wanted to get everyone out - but getting everyone out was more and more impossible each day with the death toll rising so often that he didn’t even know why they bothered to keep track anymore. Each loss was a blow to the whole camp - especially Hakyeon and that was something that upset Taekwoon - he hated that even now, after so many had died, Hakyeon took it as if he could have done something, anything to stop the other dying. No one killed each other but they didn’t have to as it seemed like everything in this messed up world they were living in was able to kill them, and wanted to kill them.
It was as if the world was playing a game with them, baiting them to come out and then killing them. Never letting them have a moment’s respite, and that was ever present when they heard things at night in the maze. Taekwoon knew it was a matter of time before they started appearing during the day, or started breaching the walls - and if that happened no one had any chance of being safe. They were going to be done for.
He didn’t exactly know how to bring that up with Hakyeon, who realistically as the leader of the whole group should know all of the thoughts of the people who were pretty much working to ensure the safety of everyone in the camp. but Taekwoon wasn’t at all going to ruin anything for Hakyeon who was clearly choosing to live in some idyllic world where the runners were way more efficient than they actually were. Where they were clearly going to be able to get them out - but this wasn’t reality. Not the way Taekwoon saw it, they were literally trapped in a never ending cycle of sunrise and sun fall. But if every night he got to lie next to Hakyeon, he could do it.