Gesh Would You Give Us A Break Already ! ! ! ! !

Mar 07, 2009 07:47

My Rant for the day, run away now if your not in the ranting mood!

I dunno it just seems to keep coming and coming doesn't it.

First mum is diagnosed with Cancer , gets it cut out of her arm.

It spreads to her the Lymph Gland under her arm. She had surgery
to remove the Lymph Gland and Radiation Therapy.

The she gets Lymphodema in the arm, where the Lymph Gland
is removed.

Now after 3 attacks in about 3 years she has been diagnosed
with Ménière's Disease , which if you look at the symptoms
etc, she's probably had since she was in her teens, but luckily not
had the dizziness, vomiting and what not then, that she now does.

Gesh I just wish whoever controls this mess of a planet, would
cut some of us some slack occassionally

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