May 24, 2010 14:51
-At the end of last semester (Spring), I thought I would have pretty bad grades from Lansing Community College. However, I made it out of the semester with a 2.88 (hey, I was taking Precalc II, you can't really blame me!) which put my cumulative at a 3.44. That means I'm entering University (for the second time) with a pretty rad GPA. Let's hope I can keep that up :D Here I come MSU!
-So I've been wigging out about money lately with the possibility of a baby and the lower hours due to the summer and all the students going home. However, I've already picked up at least 4 hours and $15 for delivering a taco bar this week. Maybe if I keep my plans to a minimum so I can jump on shifts at the last second, I'll be able to snag 40 hours a couple weeks this summer.
-I really wish I had time to write. I mean, I do. I just.. can't seem to get focused, to sit down and do it. I really need to. Maybe I'll take a writing field trip Thursday and see where I end up.
-I haven't gone swimming since May 7th. This needs to change.