Noticias 4ª Temporada

Jun 10, 2007 16:34

Ronald D. Moore y David Eick hablan sobre el final de Battlestar Galactica.

Nuestra última oportunidad de que suceda lo que tiene que suceder T_T

The relationships of the characters are so important. Do you think you will
have time to bring closure to these relationships: Baltar, Adama, Number
Six, Roslin?
Moore: That is the plan. That is how we approached the storylines as we were
breaking them out for the season, and the intention is to concentrate on the
characters and their relationships and to bring them all to an end point. I
don’t know if we will resolve every single thing about every single
relationship. I think there is value in leaving some things open to the
imagination and having some things that are tantalizingly unresolved, but
the intention is to move toward what is the final chapter.
(En Inglés)

Since so many of you Battlestar Galactica fans are still reeling from the
mind-frakking news that the upcoming fourth season will be the show’s last,
I thought I’d share with you the full exchange that just went down between
reporters and executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick. Read on
for the deets on why they decided to announce the end (Damon Lindelof and
these guys should really grab a beer sometime-they have a lot in common!),
what’s in store for the end and the status of the spinoff (please, oh
please), Caprica.

Also, I’m going to a Battlestar event this week (where we’ll be shooting the
next WWK Vine show on location!), so if you have any questions for the
producers or stars, please email them to me at All for
one and one for all, right? So say we all!

It’s funny to hear the news that this will be Battlestar’s last season,
because we talked to [Sci Fi network vice president] Mark Stern recently and
he said it wouldn’t be. Why do you think there's the disconnect on his part?
Moore: This is a decision that took some time to arrive at, and like all
decisions this large, there were a number of questions that we had
internally. And we all collectively decided when it was time to be
definitive about it, and that time is now.

Since Battlestar is so highly rated, was there any pressure from Sci Fi to
try and drag it out for a fifth season or beyond?
Moore: Well, there was a discussion as to how long it should go on, and to
their credit, they were very sensitive as to what we wanted to do creatively
on the show. It came from David and I approaching them and saying we felt
the show had reached its third act and that it’s about the resolution of the
series-and we feel that the storyline is propelling us toward the
conclusion. They asked us questions about why we felt that way, and they
understood the reason and wanted us to think about it for a while and make
sure that this is what we wanted to do, but they didn’t really fight us on
it. They expressed concern that the show might be able to go on longer and
they we wanted to make sure we weren’t passing up opportunities to continue
telling stories with the series. They were very accommodating, and when we,
David and I, were clear that this is what we definitely wanted, they
supported it.

Was there a specific moment from last season that trigged the idea for you
that it was time to bring the series to a close?
Moore: I think it was somewhere around the midpoint of the season, when we
were working on the story where they discovered the temple. The temple gave
Deanna a glimpse of the final five, and that triggered the beacon that’s
pointing toward Earth. Those events made it feel like we were promising the
audience that we were moving toward revelations, and indeed, by the end of
the season, we had taken that moment and had revealed four of the final five
Cylons. And one of our characters had been to Earth and seen it and that was
probably the moment when we started feeling that if we don’t start paying
off-if we don’t really reveal the secrets and start moving in that
direction-you get to a place where you feel like you are jerking off the
audience or you’re just treading water, and we never wanted to be in that
position. We always wanted to be striving forward and pushing the show to
its limits and not being afraid to move onto the next part of the story.

I understand that the first episode of season four will be a two-hour
Eick: It’s two episodes that are not really a part of the fourth season and
are not connected to the cliffhanger where we ended season three.
Essentially, [marketers] expressed an interest in releasing a couple
episodes on DVD for domestic and foreign distribution. As we talked about
them internally, there was no way to pick up the cliffhanger in that form,
and we would preserve that for the official beginning of the fourth season.
So, the way that made the most sense to us was to go back in time. Not
before the series began, but back a season or two ago, say, the second
season of the series, and tell a story then. We found a way to connect the
events of that story to things that will happen in season four.

And this will air also?
Eick: It will air on Sci Fi channel. I don’t have a date for you, but the
plan, from what I understand, is to air those on Sci Fi and then release
[them] on DVD either the next day or two days later. The extended episodes,
as we are calling them, will be broadcast in the fall and the official start
of season four will begin in early ’08.

The relationships of the characters are so important. Do you think you will
have time to bring closure to these relationships: Baltar, Adama, Number
Six, Roslin?
Moore: That is the plan. That is how we approached the storylines as we were
breaking them out for the season, and the intention is to concentrate on the
characters and their relationships and to bring them all to an end point. I
don’t know if we will resolve every single thing about every single
relationship. I think there is value in leaving some things open to the
imagination and having some things that are tantalizingly unresolved, but
the intention is to move toward what is the final chapter.

Is the show going to be divided up again for season four-is it going to be
10 and 10?
Moore: At the moment, the network has not set up a definitive schedule yet,
and I double-checked that with them today. All we can say definitively is
that the show begins in early ’08.

The whole "reaching Earth" thing-is that something on tap for the beginning
of the season or the last shot?
Moore: I don’t want to be that definitive about it, but the show has always
been about the search for Earth, and I think to end the series without
getting to Earth or a version of Earth or something we call Earth or at
least someone saying "Earth" would be unsatisfying. So, it will definitely
figure into this year's storyline.

There have been talks about Caprica as a series, and I wanted to find out if
that is on the radar anywhere?
Moore: We are certainly tremendously excited and enthusiastic on what we are
able to develop into a prequel launching point for a new series called
Caprica. It would take the stories that we came to discover on Battlestar
Galactica and go all the way back to their embryo and the discovery of the
technology that will link to the Cylons specifically. It’s a tremendously
arresting idea that was really beautifully executed, and we're anxious to
have any opportunity to pursue it because we really think it’s a special

Is Sci Fi still considering Caprica, or has it passed on it?
Eick: I don’t think we know the definitive answer for that. It’s not on the
immediate front burner, but I don’t think anyone has said to us that it is
definitively dead. And we continue to hope that there will be an opportunity
in the forum and a programming need for it. It is certainly something we
believe in and something we think would not only capture the Battlestar
Galactica fans, but would open up a whole new audience to this mythology
because it’s a very different show.

Can you talk about any upcoming storylines for the recently revealed four
Moore: You can see from the end of the third season that they are all the
same people, that they are still the same characters. They didn’t switch
over and become robots suddenly. So, essentially you are going to see an
extension of that initial moment where they try to figure out what this
means to them. If they are Cylons, when did that begin, what are their true
backstories, what are they meant to do, what are they supposed to do, are
they dangerous to themselves, are they dangerous to the ship, can they trust
the people around them, should they keep the secret only among themselves?
That’s essentially where their storyline is going to pick up.

When you plan on wrapping up the series at the end of the fourth season, do
you plan on keeping it open-ended to do a feature film like Firefly's
Serenity, or do you want a closed ending?
Moore: The plan is to end the show. The plan is to bring us to a definitive
conclusion. There are no plans or thoughts in our heads really of them doing
a follow-on feature or series beyond that. But it’s also a thing where you
never say never because who knows how we’ll feel when we actually write the
conclusion? It would be foolish now to say absolutely not, but right now the
plan is for a definitive plan.

Now, don't forget to email me your Q's for the BSG cast and crew to, and I'll gladly get to as many of them as possible at
the big event this week.
(En Inglés)

battlestar galactica, noticias

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