Mar 16, 2013 00:10
I really miss Ryo in NEWS, but at the same time I don't want him to ruin the current NEWS dynamic which in my opinion is their best yet.
I miss seeing him bullying Shige.
I miss watching him scolding Massu.
I miss watching him pampering Tegoshi.
I miss watching him teasing Koyama.
.... I don't really miss watching him n Pi together, but that's beside the point. hehe
However, I don't want him in NEWS. Somehow, I feel like the members would restless being around him. whatever. It's just my feeling anyway.
I don't like seeing Ryo in Kanjani8 nowadays. I feel like he isn't his true self. Every time I saw him with them, all I can think is he is faking it. Once again, it's my feelings. I bet it won't feel right unless he's by himself or NEWS. hmmm...
The point is, I miss him. Okay. End of story. I just need a place to let out my feelings.
Somehow, I understand how Kuroko feels. :\
P/S: I just realized my ryo tag is news:ryo tag. I think I'll keep it that way...