Oct 29, 2004 12:30
Man I've come to the realization that no matter what I do now this term is gonna suck major ass one way or another!
I get this gut feeling that I'm soon to be without a vehicle, my Mom's Yukon is bound to sell eventually(hopefullly more later than sooner). And the Cadillac's tranny is slowly going tits on me.
Money, boy would I like to bitch about money, but pretty much everything in this topic i've put on myself; credit card, didn't sign up in time for workstudy, expensive cell phone bill, and can't fit a job in with basketball and school. Which leaves me feeling like a fucking bum because I can't hardly buy shit for myself. All I know is come winter term if I'm still in school I'm taking out loans up the ass.
The uncertainty of what I'm gonna do with myself sucks also, as of right now I'm not eligible for basketball and if I don't pass 12 credits with at least a 3.0 or better I'm friggin screwed. And if I don't play ball this winter I don't know what the hell I will do. Yet part of me doesn't really care if I do play basketball, like my love for the game is slowly declining.
I am more excited now more than ever to get out of this town, though I haven't got a clue where I'm going. Which makes it harder to still be here. Taking a year off and making some money would be really nice, but then my hopes of getting a basketball scholarship would dwindle.
Anyways...enough bitching for now, I guess just feels good to talk about stresses a little bit, though I could've written about 10 times more.
Well, I'm out like out like Bahr at a straight club
p.s. Powerpoing presentations fucking piss me off, I'm about to throw this piece of shit computer out the window.