I filled out loads of stuff
. So click it!
x: Spell your name backwards: Drareg
x: Have you ever had a song written about you?: Nope
x: What song makes you cry?: Ocean Drive by the Lighthouse family used to, was played at a cousin's funeral
x: What song makes you happy?: Wind by Akeboshi
x: What's your favorite all time song?: Wind is definatly one of the many, many
x: What do you listen to before you go to sleep?: Classical, and that song wind, calms the soul
x: Height: 6'2" there abouts
x: Hair Color: Dark brown
x: Piercings: top of left ear
x: Tattoos: Nope
Right Now...
x: What color pants are are you wearing?: Black combats
x: What song are you listening to?: Wind lol
x: What's the taste in your mouth?: tongue
x: What's the weather like?: Donno, its nightime. no sound so i assume its nice and calm.
x: How are you?: Feeling pretty shit actually, cause when i get asked that i think of bad things!
Do you ...
x: Get motion sickness? No
x: Have a bad habit?: I am sure I do
x: Get along with your parents?: Most of the time.
x: Have a big regret?: Yes
Favorite ...
x: Tv show: South Park, Family Guy, Black Books, Fraggle Rock, Danger mouse, Lost
x: Conditioner: Usaly any
x: Books: Pet Semetery
x: Non alcoholic drink: Water or pure pine apple or orange
x: Alcoholic drink: Wine (white rosé)
x: Things to do on the weekend: So in the house bored out of my mind usualy.
Have you ever ...
x: Broken the law: Yes
x: Ran away from home: No
x: Snuck out of the house: No
x: Every gone skinny dipping: No
x: Prank called someone: Yes
x: Tipped over a port-a-potty: No
x: Used your parents credit card: Yes
x: Skipped school: Yes
x: Fell asleep in the shower: No
x: Been in a school play: No
x: Had children: No
x: Been in love: Yes
x: Have a hard time getting over someone?: Yes
x: Been hurt?:
x: Gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: No
Random ...
x: Have a job?: Not anymore
x: Your CD player has in it right now: Cat Stevens
x: If you were a crayon color, what would you be?: Multi-coloured
x: What makes you happy?: Music, friends,..
x: The next CD your going to buy?: Don't Know
When was the last time you ...
x: Got a real letter: A few days ago
x: Got an e-mail: Today.
x: Thing you purchased: Bus Ticket
x: TV program you watched: Well the last thing i watched on tv was nepoleon dynomite, program a few days before was Lost
x: Kissed: months ago
x: Hugged: Few weeks ago i think
x: Song heard: Cat Stevens - The Wind
x: Place you were: Motorbike shop today?
x: Phone call: My friend Susie
x: You were depressed:
x: You were in the hospital: Visiting my mother a few weeks ago.
What comes to mind when you hear ...
x: Car: bon fiber!
x: Murder: she wrote
x: Cape: fear
x: Cell: phone
x: Shoe: horn
x: Fun: house
x: Music: store
x: Chalk: n' cheese