An Amazing Must Read Article

Dec 30, 2008 11:48

Bob Ostertag Historian, Journalist, and Professor of Technocultural Studies and Music at UC Davis
Posted December 21, 2008 | 06:04 PM (EST)

Why Gay Marriage is the Wrong IssueIt's just plain sad what the gay and lesbian movement has come to. November 4 was so extraordinary, so magical. The whole world seemed to come together. Except for gays and ( Read more... )

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audrabaudra December 30 2008, 23:41:12 UTC
"Gay marriage" has always been the Far Right taking an issue and dressing it up semantically to galvanise the flock so the politicos can get their hands on the MONEY. The main issue used to be abortion, but if Roe v. Wade were overturned, the majority of evangelical Republican proletariat voters would feel the battle were over. No more issue = lapsing voter turn-out = no more access to power for the Right leaders. The Far Right leaders parsed the debate further and further, to things like "partial birth abortions...WTF??? is the only response I could ever muster to that one...but it was time for something new to pick on.

You can just hear it: "Okay, we can't hate on the Nig-ruhs anymore...we used the whole 'mark of Cain' thing as the reason for slavery, but that's old, can't do that...oh, I got it! Home-uh-seck-shuls!" The Far Right drew up the terms of this debate thusly, and everybody bit.

This article is fantastic. A starting place would be equal access to healthcare in the US, regardless of economic privilege or deprivation, regardless of ethnic background, regardless of sexuality.

Well said, well said--thanks for posting this.


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