Bob Ostertag Historian, Journalist, and Professor of Technocultural Studies and Music at UC Davis
Posted December 21, 2008 | 06:04 PM (EST)
Why Gay Marriage is the Wrong IssueIt's just plain sad what the gay and lesbian movement has come to. November 4 was so extraordinary, so magical. The whole world seemed to come together. Except for gays and
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You can just hear it: "Okay, we can't hate on the Nig-ruhs anymore...we used the whole 'mark of Cain' thing as the reason for slavery, but that's old, can't do that...oh, I got it! Home-uh-seck-shuls!" The Far Right drew up the terms of this debate thusly, and everybody bit.
This article is fantastic. A starting place would be equal access to healthcare in the US, regardless of economic privilege or deprivation, regardless of ethnic background, regardless of sexuality.
Well said, well said--thanks for posting this.
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