May 17, 2010 09:27
Janora: Wow, had a super fun weekend! It's been awhile since I had such a good time (probably starfest, haha). Friday night, Katie and I went to Park Meadows to check out the new mac collection, To the Beach. Unfortunately, it was not yet available, it comes out this week, oops! Instead I bought a few MAC staple eyeshadows that I had read about on lollipop26's blog and vlog. She is a gorgeous brit girl currently working in Dubai and while her taste tends to be uber conversative, I decided to give a few things a try and I am glad I did because I love the colors I purchased. I bought Sable, Satin Taupe and Naked Lunch. They make a really pretty neutral eye. Browns can look dirty or muddy on my skintone if I don't choose the right combination. Well, it could also be my application technique which is more messy than precise but that won't change anytime soon. After MAC we headed over to Nordstrom to check out the summer Dior quints I posted about already and of course, they were sold out!
I needed to pick up some perfume for my mother and basically got into a disagreement with one of the ladies at the perfume counter! So while we were waiting for one of the girls to fetch the perfume I needed, another woman was there inviting us to sniff a bunch of scents, including the new Ed Hardy scent. I was more than willing to sniff everything BUT the Ed Hardy. The first girl came back and was like, why don't you want to smell it? Well, I don't like that brand. Why not? (Seriously, who even cares, lay off at this point!) Because I think it's a brand for douche bags. Her eyes widened in shock but its like, look, if you are want to try to force me to smell something I don't care to smell, you will definitely get my unadulterated opinon. She responded and was like, well she (referring to the other woman), is a distributor for the brand. OK. Well, even if you don't like the brand, it still smells really good. I don't care if it smells good-- if I buy a product, I am tacitly supporting the brand and I don't care to support that brand AT ALL. Distributor got really butthurt at this point and told me, well if you knew Ed Hardy, you wouldn't say that. I really wanted to laugh in her face at this point. I don't know the guy, I don't care to know the guy, leave me alone. Katie and I managed to escape at this point and burst out laughing. I mean, seriously, what a bizarre SA encounter. Luckily I don't buy perfume at Nordstrom often and I don't think I will after this. I usually buy at sephora but I also want to try Saks because they have a huge variety of stuff including a lot of scents that are only available there in all of Colorado.
Saturday, I wake up bright and early to meet Diana and Tiffany at the mall again because they need to buy dresses for Jasmine. Totally fun! I love shopping when I have a particular mission in mind and I love helping other people shop -- I think my true calling is being a stylist. I am really good at knowing what looks good on other people and it's interesting to me to hear what hang-ups everyone has about their bodies and what prejudices they have about clothing. After we had found dresses for both of them, of course they needed shoes to match so we headed to Dillards and going up the escalators, we can hear loud club music and lights flashing and a shit ton of people lined up. Yes guys, Steve Madden was doing an in-store appearance at Dillards. On either side of him were these go-go dancing cougars and the music was loud and obnoxious but it totally served its purpose. As in, all 3 of us bought a pair of shoes. I LOVE my new shoes. They were not Steve Madden's however, but Jessica Simpson. Friends have been telling me how awesome her shoes are but now I totally believe them. They are fab. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I would find a pic but I am afraid this LJ will become a shoe repository so I will refrain. You'll just have to meet me out while I am wearing them!
Saturday night, Diana and I helped out at an event for Andrew. We manned the merch booth and made a shit ton of money. I have never seen so many 20s in my life, no joke. My tackle box was overflowing with cash (ha!). We stole some Warlock Pinchers hoodies and got free tix to the show in August. It was so weird to see people fanboy Andrew. A lot of old school punks turned up and had all these limited edition vinyls and vintage band t-shirts. Very, very cool. I can't believe Andrew was in an old school punk band that obviously still has a shit ton of fans. I mean, they still play his music on the radio! My fav songs I have heard are Morissey Rides a Cockhorse or James Dean is an Overrated Asshole or where the hell is Crispin Glover, lmfao. Andrew did a solo performance art piece a few months back and during the performance he played a phone conversation he had recorded with Crispin Glover. He was like, hey, I am Andrew and I was in this band where we wrote a song about you. And Crispin Glover was like, oh yeah! I have heard that song, that's so cool. It was kind of weird though. (Anyone else see the irony of Crispin Glover calling someone a weirdo? Granted, if anyone is weirder than him it would be Andrew but...) Andrew was like, oh yeah? He said, have you guys been to my apt? Did you break-in? Andrew said, um no, we didn't break into your apt. He was like, weird because that part about underwear being everywhere, that's true. WHAT?! Things I never wanted to know about Crispin Glover, kthxbai.
Sunday, Diana and I decided to do a double feature of Iron Man and Kick-Ass. We went to an amazing korean bbq place first though and it was freaking delicious. Best korean food I've had in forever. The theater was no longer playing Kick-Ass so we went to Robin Hood instead. It was really good and mildly slashy. Russell Crowe is the kind of dude who has as much chemistry with his male costars as his females. A very interesting phenomenon. I think it might be because he is Australian. Hugh Jackman has the same kind of charisma.