Janora: Blargh, I really really need to stop reading
ontd_political, it really makes me rage! So many things to be angry about but what's worse is that I'm not in any type of position to do anything about it. When I saw Kick-Ass, the kid made a poignant comment about how when people see things, they tend to ignore it and stay out of it. I am glad to say that at least I am not that type of person. It's a struggle and oft times I have to force myself to grab my phone to call the police or speak up and say something to a total stranger which is never easy but I feel better for it. It's the little part I can contribute. Sort of makes me sad I missed
Pay It Forward Day but I will def do it next year. I suppose at this point, I could say that I could do something like this everyday like in those commercials haha. We'll see XD
Anyway, why is it when I am at my most broke (Mother's Day, Jasmine's Wedding), I have intense lemmings for many items? Back when I first got into lolita, I really understood the sentiment of I'd rather buy this dress than eat this week. I haven't done this in forever, but I am very tempted to right now.
I need these Dior palettes RTFN
I really, really want to work on my bedroom:
Random Pics
Random Pics
Random Pics What I love about these rooms is that they make good use of small spaces which I totally feel right now. I really need to move into a larger space... but whenever I think about moving, I think about the overall expense and I just give up! I'd love to rent a house or a townhouse-- just something with more space. Michelle's house is very much hers and there is not much space for anyone else. It's weird to me that she comments on the fact that I don't spend much time out of my room but I want to counter that with like, well, where am I supposed to go? She has no furniture for lounging, her dining room table is piled high with crap, her kitchen is inconveniently designed for any type of cooking, so of course I am going to spend my time in my room, there's no where else for me to go! Things you don't consider when you move in with someone, haha. Much better to move in together rather than move in with someone already established in their space.
XKCD made me LMFAO:
Well, it's that time again, summer midnight screenings! Anyone up for Iron Man 2 on Thursday night?