Jun 25, 2009 22:25
I have some funny Brian's family awkwardness to share. So a couple of weekends ago we were up at Brian's parent's house. A preview for the Pursuit of Happyness came on and I commented on how sad I thought the movie was. Brian's dad was like, oh really? why is it sad? And I was like... Oh I don't know... I just have a hard time watching movies about poor black men. Luckily I didn't finish that sentence like how I wanted to, adding, because my dad IS one. Haha, awkward! Brian's dad just laughed and was like oh.
So the one thing that I find extremely awkward about Brian's family is that they always kiss each other on the cheek when saying hi and bye. Me, not coming from a very affectionate family, find that very weird. So they always go in for kisses, and I let them kiss me, but I do not reciprocate. LOL. Anyway, one day I was saying bye to his great aunt and she went in to kiss me and she didn't get any cheek! All she got was my hair! LOL! I was so embarrassed. But I didn't say anything and neither did she. But seriously guys AWKWARD!!!